Subject Access Requests

Under data protection legislation an individual has the right, subject to certain exemptions, to access the personal information that an organisation holds about them. Accessing personal data in this way is known as making a subject access request. 

If you wish to make a subject access request to the Trust, please email A form has been provided which can support submitting your request.

On receipt of your completed request, once your identity has been verified, and sufficient details to enable us to locate the information has been obtained, the Trust is obliged to respond within 30 calendar days. The information will be supplied subject to any applicable exemptions. The data will be provided as of the date of receipt of your request.

You are entitled to submit subject access requests all year round, but please bear in mind that it may be necessary for us to extend the response period when requests are submitted over the summer holidays. will be the case where the request is complex – for example, where we need multiple staff to collect the data.

If you have any reason to believe that the Trust has not dealt correctly with your request, please contact the Executive Officer of the Trust, at If you are still not satisfied, you should contact the Information Commissioners Office. Make a complaint | ICO